“The Monitor” Appears in April 2014 Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine

I’m very excited that my story, “The Monitor” appears in the April 2014 issue of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. It is the very first story in the issue, and has an amazing illustration by Robin Hyzy to accompany it.

You can buy it now at newsstands and bookstores, so definitely check it out!

The story is kind of a break away from the stuff I usually write about. Although there is still a mildly depressed lonely woman questioning her relationship and her existence in general, there is also a supernatural element! Ghosts! A ghostly little boy appearing in a baby monitor, to be exact. It was a fun story to write, and I hope you enjoy reading it as well.

You can also check out a blog post I wrote about the story that is featured on Trace Evidence, the AHMM blog.

Enrico Accenti also did a mini review of my story and the stories from the rest of the issue on his Eerie Worlds blog.

Spooky times, spooky times.

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