I’m very excited to welcome Dru Ann Love to my web site this month. Dru Ann is such a cheerful, supportive person who I’m always glad to see at writing conventions, so I was intrigued when I saw her post on Facebook earlier this year about her experiences with ghosts. I wanted to hear more!
I knew she’d make a great guest blogger for this series on all things scary, and I was right!
What is your greatest fear?
I have two: Because I’m a deep sleeper, my fear is that I won’t hear danger lurking, like a fire or something catastrophic.
Another fear is dying alone and no one finding my body for several days, simply because I like my solitude and may not be in contact before someone notices they haven’t heard from me.
What is the scariest thing you remember from childhood?
My father tried to drown me in the ocean, all in the name of trying to teach me to swim. To this day I don’t go to the beach or near a pool. I did, however, dip my toe in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and immediately left both places to get on solid ground.

My father tried to drown me in the ocean…
Is there any fear you’ve overcome in your life? How has that changed you?
It goes back to the water thing. My Zodiac sign is Pisces, and you would have never gotten me on a boat before, but when I went on my first cruise with friends, I found that I loved it and have been on cruises multiple times. There’s a huge distance between me on a cruise ship or boat and the ocean. You’ll never find me on any boat that skims the water.
What is your weirdest fear?
That aliens really do exist.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I was about six when I sensed someone was following me, and when I turned around, no one was there, but I knew they were standing next to me as I could feel them.
A week after my friend died, when I was in the laundry room, the washer and dryer would start like she was washing her clothes with me. When I was on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, we took a tour of the swimming room, and a woman waved to me from the bottom, and on a trip to Savannah, a young enslaved girl sat next to me on a bench.
So yes, I believe in ghosts.
How do you deal with fear?
I try not to let it get a stranglehold on me. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don’t.
What is your favorite type of monster?
Godzilla. Because they keep trying to kill him and he keeps coming back.
What’s worse: closed-in spaces or heights?
Closed-in spaces. I have a touch of claustrophobia.
You are driving alone on a road at night and your headlights illuminate a man standing alone with a lantern in the middle of the road. What do you do?
I will call 911, but continue to drive on.
Is it more or less scary if it’s a little kid in pajamas?
Definitely scarier, and I will park on the shoulder and wait for the cops.
Dru Ann Love is the creator of dru’s book musings where the “day in the life” and “get to know you” segments are prominently featured. Dru Ann was awarded the Mystery Writers of America Raven Award in 2017 and was nominated for an Anthony Award in 2015 and 2018. Dru Ann is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America.
When I took my first swimming lessons, my coach would tell me to swim out to him, and then as soon as I got close, he would move backwards, so I never reached him. I hated that!
Love the questions AND the answers!