I’m pretty excited about this one, guys. SmokeLong Quarterly and D.C.’s Noir at the Bar will present an off-site AWP reading “Cold, Dark Flash,” an evening of noir flash fiction. I mean, really, what can be better than noir-themed flash fiction on a cold February evening in D.C.? I hope to see you there!
Cold, Dark Flash
Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017
7 p.m.
Wonderland Ballroom
1101 Kenyon St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20010
(Three blocks from the Green Line Metro)
With readers:
Matt Bell
Tara Campbell
W. Todd Kaneko
Jennifer Pashley
Amber Sparks
Art Taylor
and hosted by:
Tara Laskowski
E.A. Aymar
Music by DJ Alkimist
Books for sale, raffle prizes, music, and more!